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How to know if you are engaging in bad gaming

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Recently, the WHO proposed a draft guideline to help define gaming disorders. Although the guidelines specify a 12-month pattern of behavior, the shorter period might be more appropriate for severe symptoms. The draft guideline states that harmful gaming is a behavior that can lead to serious consequences. People who engage in this type of gaming are at increased risk of developing a gaming disorder. But how do you know if your gaming is bad?

Playing can cause negative effects

Extended screen time can have many adverse effects, including a negative effect on gaming. Gaming can not only affect your health but also cause you to develop bad habits such as not eating, drinking enough water, or exercising. Limiting gaming time is essential because it affects both mental and bodily health. Here are some possible consequences of too much gaming. Do not take it lightly if your addiction to games is a problem.

There are more online friends

Many people believe that gaming can strengthen offline social connections and transfer experiences from in-game play to their offline networks. Granic et al. Granic et. al. proposed that social games can be used to teach transferable skills, such as teamwork and negotiation. Domahidi and his colleagues. (2014) showed that online gaming friendships don't negatively impact on off-line relationships or social outcomes.

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Gaming time is controlled by impaired control

Defining problematic online gaming as a phenomenon that causes excessive behavior and harm is important. Unfortunately, we don't yet have a consensus on the terminology or the diagnosis of the disorder. The need for such a diagnosis has been recognized and further research and criteria are needed. We need to create the DSM-5 guidelines in order to include online gambling as a category.

Gun violence

In response to the recent mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, President Trump suggested that violent video games may be to blame. Other lawmakers echoed his sentiment. Major media outlets including ESPN stopped esports tournaments. This implied that the games industry was to blame. And even though many stores removed video game displays from their storefronts, they still sell guns. Parents who want to protect their children are not safe. What can parents do to tackle the problem?

Repetitive stress injuries

Repetitive strain injuries, also known to be called overuse injury, can result from repetitive movements. In extreme cases, these injuries can result in permanent damage, including numbness or weakness. These injuries can be particularly dangerous for children. For example, constant side-to-side mouse movements or flicks, constant button mashing, or endless hours of playing COD can lead to wrist pain and inflammation. Worse, chronic low-grade inflammation has been linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2, diabetes, and many other conditions.


Cancer Research UK conducted a new study to examine the effects of videogames on children's bodies mass index (BMI). The metric was created to measure obesity risk as well as to account for children's growth. A BMI of less than one indicates that a person is not obese and one to two indicates a potential risk for overweight. Children who spent more time playing video games were more likely to become overweight than those who played only three hours per day.

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Recent news articles and studies highlight the negative effects of videogames on children's health. While it may sound like bad gaming is only referring to video games, the term actually encompasses many other harmful activities. For instance, a child who plays video games for hours on end is more likely to become overweight. Similarly, excessive gaming is linked to malnutrition.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common injury in PC gamers. This debilitating condition affects the wrist, fingers, and hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by repetitive wrist flexion and the resulting pressure on the median nerve. Trigger finger is the name given to inflammation of the hand's tendon. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands. The only treatment is surgery.


Is the Xbox One capable of displaying 4K Ultra HD content

Yes! The Xbox One supports 4K Ultra HD content. It supports the most recent movies and TV shows. You can watch them on your television set using HDMI cables. Or you can stream them directly to your Xbox One via Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Video, Hulu Plus, HBO Go, Vudu, Crackle, and others.

Which console is best for multiplayer online?

Both consoles are capable of accessing the internet via their excellent online capabilities. However, the Xbox Live service is far superior to Sony's Playstation Network. Xbox Live allows you the opportunity to play against other gamers around the globe. This can be done at any moment.

PlayStation Network won't let you play online if you aren't within a certain distance of a particular location. This makes it less convenient to play online.

Is there a difference between a gaming mouse and a gaming trackball?

A gaming mouse connects to your computer via USB. It can be connected to a computer or a desktop. A gaming trackball can be connected to either a desktop or a laptop, and it works similarly to a mouse. However, it uses a rolling ball instead of scroll wheels.

Both of these devices can be used in games to control movement. Some mice have extra buttons that can be used for special functions. One example is to press the button that activates a crosshair. Most trackballs don't have additional buttons.

Gaming mice can be used with either left-handed or right-handed people. However, they tend to be better suited for right-handers.

Trackballs for right-handed users are generally not recommended, as they don't move as precisely.


  • Rural areas that are still 100% cable may continue to experience peak hour slowdowns, however. (highspeedinternet.com)
  • The pay-to-play PC version accounts for 3% of players. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • If his downcard is likely a 10, make your move accordingly. (edge.twinspires.com)
  • Sadly, there aren't as many fantastic exclusives on Series X as PS5, at least as of 2022, but that will likely change in the future. (digitaltrends.com)

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How To

How do I stream mobile games with OBS?

Mobile gaming is a popular form of entertainment. In 2016, there were 2 billion active gamers worldwide. These games have become a major part of our lives. Streaming mobile games requires special equipment. In this tutorial, we will show you how to stream mobile games from your smartphone to any device without having to connect to a PC or Mac first. Learn how to install OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), on Android devices, and configure it for mobile gaming.

OBS is software that broadcasts live streams and recorded video. It is intended for broadcasting purposes. This program is very easy to use. It allows users to easily record, edit and save videos. OBS supports many different platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, etc.

These steps show you how to stream mobile games using OBSDroid.

  1. Install Open Broadcaster Studio on Android Devices
  2. Mobile Games can be played with the Configure Open Broadcaster Studio
  3. Start Streaming Mobile Game on Your Device
  4. Enjoy streaming!


How to know if you are engaging in bad gaming